Simplify Classroom Book
Transform your classroom library management with our AI-powered tools that streamline, organize, and engage.
Customized Lesson Plans
Personalized Learning
Instantly generate lesson plans tailored to each book in your classroom library, enhancing the learning experience and engagement for students.
Time-Saving Automation
Save valuable time with AI-powered automation, allowing teachers to focus more on instruction and student interaction.
Teacher & Parent Collaboration
Seamless Communication
Bridge the gap between teachers and parents with real-time updates and insights on student reading progress.
Engaged Parents
Equip parents with the tools and information they need to actively participate in their child's reading journey, fostering a supportive and collaborative learning environment.
Effortless Book Uploads
Harness Your Laptop's Camera
Quickly catalog books with built-in cameras on laptops or phones, eliminating the need for expensive scanners and extra equipment.
Scan ISBN Codes
No need for expensive and painstaking custom barcodes, simply scan the ISBN for instant entry, streamlining the book collection process.